About Me (2.0)

Hi there! 4 years ago when I started this blog, I was into hardcore fitness and blogging. Since then, a lot has changed and I thought it was time for an Introduction 2.0


My name is Akshita and I’m from Kolkata (currently put up in Gurgaon). I love socialising and meeting new people. I enjoy reading occasionally and adventures excite me. I am currently taking baby steps towards an active and healthier lifestyle.

What I do

I’m working full-time as an Actuarial Analyst. If I had to explain what actuaries do in one sentence- we measure the probability and risk of future events and model them. There are a total of 15 exams which are conducted twice in a year. I have cleared 11/15 and I am really close (and excited) to becoming a fully qualified actuary.

My Favourites

  • Book: The power of your subconscious mind
  • Food: Dosa
  • Place: London, Greece (both being my dream destinations)
  • TV show: FRIENDS
  • Dessert: Cheesecake

12 Random Fun Facts about me:

  1. I love playing sports- badminton, cricket, boxing and recently learned how to play Table Tennis too.
  2. I moved out from my hometown for the first time at the age of 22.
  3. Over the course of the lockdown, I discovered my super creative side and since then I have planned a lot of amazing surprises for my friends and family.
  4. I have coloured my hair twice- blue and red.
  5. Since I gained all my weight, I started having body image issues- I am very insecure about myself.
  6. In my childhood, I used to save my pocket money to buy Roald Dahl books.
  7. Binge-watching shows (FRIENDS, HIMYM, B-99, Suits) calms me down and makes me feel happy.
  8. I strongly believe that if you really want something, along-side putting efforts, sacrificing something you love for a period of time always works.
  9. Every year for the past 3 years, I celebrate gratitude week, where I express my appreciation and love for the people who are close to me.
  10. My Snapchat username includes the birthday of my school crush.
  11. I am scared of water and crows.
  12. I am a great motivator but I struggle with it myself.

Apart from that, I am just a 22 year old navigating through life and rediscovering herself!

Drop a “hi” if you ever want to talk – akshitakedia1@gmail.com

Until then, wish you a happy and prosperous 2023!

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